What is Birth Photography?

Birth Photography NJ

As a photographer, I’m all about capturing the joy of life. And what better moment to do this other than when a beautiful life enters this world? A growing number of moms are interested in having a professional record, for posterity, the incredible moments and emotions during and after the delivery. During a birth photography session, I take pictures of the mom (and the family) along her delivery journey – the anxious dad in the delivery room, the family in the waiting area especially siblings who are eagerly looking forward to seeing their little baby sister/brother, the mother going through the simultaneous feelings of joy and pain of labor, the arrival, and the interaction with family once they get to see the newborn baby.

As a mother or father, having a birth photographer allows you to relive the experience without taking your attention away from the moments and events as they happen. When you allow me to chronicle the moments and interactions of this amazing time in your life, please know that you will have control of the pictures, including any special requests for taking and sharing of the pictures.

You can expect the following steps for confirming a Birth Photography NJ session:

  • In-person discussion during your pregnancy. We will talk about your birth plan, the location, an idea of the family attending, and any special requests.
  • For special requests, we will create a checklist to ensure that the birth location/staff will permit me to honor your requests.
  • Discuss any options you would like for birth announcements, prints, bound books, music for the birth photography slideshow (it’s the best part!), etc.
  • Share my contact information so you have it handy. Once we book a session, I’m on call and share my mobile.

Please also view the link for Birth Photography Investment by clicking here.